A stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Strokes can be caused due to two types, ischemic and hemorrhagic.
In middle-aged adults, ischemic stroke has an increasing rate and is the most common one that results in artery-blocking blood clots that travel to the brain. Another type is Hemorrhagic stroke which occurs when a blood vessel in or near the brain ruptures. Strokes are a leading cause of death and disability, it is said to be the second most common reason to cause death in India. A new study has found that the number of cases in middle-aged adults is on the rise. The rise in these cases is thought to be due to the increase in risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. If we look into the percentage then 50% of stroke cases are seen in the middle-age group.
Mumbai’s young adults and stroke:
Talking about a specific zone of the increasing rate of strokes then, there has been a recent increase in the number of cases among middle-aged adults in Mumbai. Amid the pandemic, cases are rising at an alarming rate. This is a cause for concern as strokes are usually associated with older age groups. The rising rate in Mumbai is attributed to several factors, including lifestyle choices and environmental factors. Mumbai is known for its fast-paced lifestyle and unhealthy food options along with its bustling population of over 18 million. It is said to be one of the most busiest and stressful cities, with a high level of pollution and traffic congestion. These factors contribute to the rising stroke rate in Mumbai. The air pollution and noise levels are high, which can lead to health problems.
The study found that the stroke rate among middle-aged adults in Mumbai has increased by nearly 50% in the last year. This is a worrying trend, especially given that strokes are one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide.
Causes of stroke:
Several factors may be contributing to this increase in stroke cases but some of the basic ones are smoking, heavy drinking, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A new study has found several risk factors for stroke can also include hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and drug addiction.
The study looked at a group of patients who had suffered from a stroke and found that these four factors were common among them.
But due to the pandemic effect causes of strokes have been slightly changed to the stress and anxiety associated with the pandemic also lead to high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke. Secondly, people are increasingly sedentary during lockdowns and this also leads to an increased risk. Finally, the overall deterioration of health due to the pandemic can also make people more susceptible to strokes.
Signs which can indicate that you might have a stroke:
Signs and symptoms play an important role while defining any type of disease, and early diagnosis can help you get treated sooner. Symptoms of stroke can be seen on various body parts, some of them as listed below:
Muscular: Feeling difficult to walk, weak or stiff muscles, problems with coordination, facial muscle weakness or numbness, overactive reflexes, or one side of the body is paralysed.
Visual: Double or blurred vision, sudden vision loss or temporary loss of vision in one eye.
Speech: Difficulty while speaking or speech loss.
Whole body: Vertigo, fatigue, or light-headedness
Limbs: Weakness or numbness
Sensory: Pins and needles sensation
Common symptoms: Cannot balance properly, headache, unable to understand, mental confusion, rapid involuntary eye movement.
Early detection of these symptoms can help you get over stroke and complications related to it.
The risk of strokes in young adults is real and rising. With early detection and proper treatment, an increasing rate of strokes can be prevented. This is a serious medical condition that can lead to paralysis, disability, and even death. The rising rate in Mumbai is a cause for concern and action needs to be taken to address this problem. Several steps can be taken to reduce the risk of stroke, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking. The best way to prevent it is to live a healthy lifestyle and to know the signs and symptoms so that it can be feasible to avoid the impediment caused by the stroke.