The musculoskeletal system is made up of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. A branch of medicine that focuses on this system is called orthopedics. This complex, interconnected system is pivotal in helping with our movement and everyday activity. One of the most common forms of arthritis affecting Indians every year is osteoarthritis. Zen Hospital’s orthopedic department offers the latest orthopedic treatment and its advancements are on par with the best service centers around the world. Our orthopedic doctors are highly trained professionals who have been in the field for a long time. Our experts specialize in minimally invasive surgical procedures that ensure quick recovery time and are less painful. Zen hospital has one of the best orthopedic doctors in mumbai. Zen Hospital has a well-equipped Orthopedic Department with the latest, cutting-edge modern equipment like laminar flow, Leica operating microscope, computer navigation system, top-of-the-line arthroscopy system and so much more! Our post-operative care and recovery areas have the most advanced Physical Therapy facilities that will get you back on your feet as soon as possible.